Sunday, September 4, 2011

2012 - The Apocalypse!??

Hey Folks,

As we all are aware of the belief that the world comes to an end on December 21st, 2012. There have been many theories that have been put forth as proofs for this belief. One theory is that the ever known Mayan calendar..! 

According to this theory, the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. Archaeologists say that the Mayans have already predicted the end of the World. In their calendar, the long count period is coming to an end on Dec 21, 2012. On Dec 22nd, it again starts its count from first. Actually, in the calendar, they is no point where there is inscription of the start of next long count. Its just ends there. Actually, there was a havoc being created way back in 2000 that the world will end in 2000. Its exactly similar to that. That is, after 98, 99 when the number ascends it goes to 00 and then all those dates comes after that went logically wrong as the convention of representing the dates were in 2 digits. So, according to the Mayan civilization and their methodology o f numbering, they just stop their calculation there or probably they might have found or calculated only till that point. Hence, according to me, the theory based on Mayan Calendar is a humbug!

Now here comes the next theory, the planet Nibiru. this has an orbit of 3600 years. That is the revolution for this planet is 3600 years. Believers in the doomsday conspiracy say refer to this planet and tell this will hit the Earth on Dec 21, 2012. Zecahria Stichin have released a book on this, The 12th Planet, where he had told about this Planet Nibiru which passes the Earth every 3600 years. Leider, who found out the connection claimed that this Planet will hit Planet Earth on Dec 21, 2012. But Mr Stichin who died in 2010 stated that the Planet was once seen in 566 BC. So. adding a 3600 to that, the Planet can next be seen in 2900 AD [Courtesy: Wikipedia]. In case, if the planet was to hit the Earth on the specified date, it should have been visible by now in the sky as a giant red ball. Till now I am searching for it. 

The next theory is the Sun's alignment in the Winter Solstice. I am clear with this concept and the explanation  of what they provide on this as The Sun will align itself in the Winter Solstice in the same way for every Winter season. 

The next theory is Pole Shift. This theory was proposed by Mr. Albert Einstein. He didn mention as an act for the Dec 21, 2012 thing. But he had predicted the pole shift for the Earth. This is a hypothesis which claims that there will be a shift in the position of poles and the axial rotation of the Earth. Scientists have researched and analysed the cause of the Floods, Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes as they are the consequence of minute changes in poles. If a minute change can cause such large quakes and Tsunamis, What will the consequence of the Shift of Poles. And of course, people attributed this to Dec 21, 2012. But what scientists claim is that even for a minute change in the Pole it will take years. So, the concept of Pole Shifting also fails here.

Now this gets more interesting. The Solar Flares. 

These are the effects of the unpredictable reactions taking place in the sun. A solar Flare is sudden brightening on the surface of the Sun or Sun's outer limb which can be interpreted as large release of energy up to 6 * 10^25 Joules of Energy ( a sixth of total output of Sun's Energy per second) [Courtesy: Wikipedia]. When this hits the Earth, it cuts down the Electromagnetic radiations. People may ask, "So What?"
Cutting down the Electromagnetic radiation can only be done by destroying the Electromagnetic [EM] field. When this happens, all those communications, both phone and internet will not function. They will be absolutely zero possibility of transmitting or transferring power or electricity. Hence, the whole world stumbles. Not only that, when the EM field is destroyed, the UV radiations enter the earth and burn everything down. Within days, we will be back to the stone age Gentlemen! And don't think that this cannot happen. The Flares had already struck Earth once. It was not massive though. It struck Mercury and in 2 minutes, in only 120 seconds, it hit the Earth. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth. But this is only in 2 minutes. When its massive, the Sky will turn Red, internet will be wiped and the Earth paralyzed. Not only that, when the EM field is destroyed, there will be massive discharge of lightning resulting in Super Storm devastating the whole Earth. The only peace is that this will attack the places that are vulnerable, but not all. The Earth will look like this when attacked by a Solar Flare.

Among all the theories, the Solar Flare is the only one that is terrorizing us. Not necessarily, that this should happen on Dec 21, 2012. 

So, Will the World End in 2012? 
Waiting to celebrate the new year 2013, with crates of Beer! 

Trusting in HIM and Hoping for the Best! 


Friday, July 29, 2011

The Power of Thoughts!

Hello Ppl,

Its been a long time since I posted my next blog. I happened to read the book "The Secret". The one book everyone should read or own I can say.
There is a saying, "Thoughts make Things!!" Is you who can design your way of living. Its you who can make the pathway for who you want to be. But don't ever think that you can be a superman and fly around. Be practical. Whom you want to be in this society? What kinda status? Everything... I mean it E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. The beauty is not everyone wants everything. Your job is to ask want to want. Visualize. And the Universe will find a way to make it happen. Do not think how?

But I always thought why doesn't it happen always? It is because it never takes negation. Ask for what you want! Never ask what you never wanted. There is a positive way of approach for all the neagtive approach. For example,  If you dont want a fight with someone, and if you keep on thinking on the same that you dont want the fight.. you will end up fighting. Instead, ask in this way that you wanted peace and compromise with that person, you will be delivered with the same. There is always a right way for all doings or you can say a right protocol. You can design everything. I can give you an example from my own life. I was posted to Pune and I badly needed a transfer to Chennai. I raised for a transfer request after talking to my manager. On enquiry, People told me that it will at least take around 4-5 months for the transfer to happen. I also met one guy who have already applied for transfer. He didn't get it for the specified location where he wanted to go. Still, he waited for around an year for the transfer to happen. But, it was totally different in my case. It all happened within a week. My transfer initiated on 26th May. Finished on  8th June. Yes! It is a miracle! From the starting of the day till the end of that day, everything goes as per my plan for me. This is what they call "The Secret".

Believe in it. Miracles happen to those only who believe in it. Promise things for yourself. Promise that you will be so and so soon. Promise you talk good to others. Promise you spread your good will. Promise that you will spread smiles across the world. Promise prosperity. Promise Hope. Promise everything. Promise to be yourself.

Meet you in the next one.... 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Queen of languages!!

Hello Guys! I actually had no idea for the past 2 days on what to write.. I was searching for a topic and always failed in getting a good one. But thanks for the language I am speaking from the day I started to speak.. from the land where I belong. The language which is been given the title Semmozhi! Yes! Its Tamizh on what I am to tell here.
This language has been praised as the language, which was born before civilizations. "Kal thondri, man thondra kaalathu mun thondriya tamizh mozhi!" It has the vantage point over other languages in the number of literatures.
According to the history, there were three sangams in the Tamizh reign! Mudharchangam(the first), Idaichangam(the middle) and Kadaichangam(the last, pronounced as 'ka' as in 'cu't and 'die') Among these periods of literature, we only have those of Kadaichangam's. Rest those of in the first and the middle reigns are lost in Tsunami, when it attacked the city of Kaaviripoompattinam ( Currently Poombuhar, its the remains of Kaaviripoompattinam!) Just imagine, we call the language's biggest strength as literature and we still have it as the greatest strength over the other languages only with those of what we got in Kadaichangam. This spells the victory of the language.
I am not a well versed in this language yet I know something. There is a movie called "Indian" in which there will be a scene explaining a writing of the protagonist, where they will be explaining a letter which is a mixture of two.. There is a dialogue, "மக்களை விழுங்கும் உனக்கு..! இந்த மண்ணில் இடம் எதற்கு? " ( Should be read as makkalai vizhungum unaku..! Intha mannil idam etharku? ) In the word உனக்கு.. the letter க் and கு are written as one letter.   

This was the way of writing before 1940s. But now, people almost forgot that such a kind of letter existed. 
There were many forms of poems (செய்யுள்) written. One of my personal favorites is siledai (சிலேடை). This is the biggest strength in tamizh literature as far as I know. In this form of poem, the poet will be stating the common characteristics of two things and will state what two things he was talking about at last. And to add a feather to the crown of this queen, the word ழ (zha) is not there in any other world language. Whatever be the case, if the rulers.. The emperors doesn't support the languages, there is no way it can build up its literature. There were three emperors as we can say them, ruling the land of Tamizh language. The Cholas, The Cheras and the Pandyas. Tamizh reign was expanded in both the Chola and the Pandya period. There are 5 great epic in the tamizh literature. 1. Silapathigaaram 2. Maimegalai 3. Seevaga sinthamani 4. Valaiyapathi 5. Kundalakesi .
These 5 epics spells the history, the rule, the land, the victory, the hatred among people and everything. There is another form of poem called பரணி (parani). This speaks about the rule, the reign and the life of a particular ruler. Mostly , this is sung after a victory or a death of a ruler in a war. It is because of this method of poetry we are now able to know about the rulers. 
Among the emperors of the land of Tamizh, people still remember the reign of the greatest ruler emerged in the Chola family. He is fondly called as RajarajaChozhan. His real name was Arulmozhivarman. It was in his reign the language attained eternity... Divinity! The living proof.. the Big temple in Thanjavur built by him explains it all. You can almost get all the happenings happened in his reign. And the way it was sculpted on the walls of the temple.. Its literally awesome. 
And talking about siledai... Here are some examples (Written by me) 

உருவமில்லா உணர்வாலும் - நெஞ்சில்

வஞ்சமில்லா எண்ணத்தாலும் - உணர்ந்தோர்

அடையும் பரவசத்தாலும் -  உள்ளத்தில்

உணராமல் வெளியே தேடப்படுவதாலும் -  அருள்

பெற்றோர் வெளிப்படுத்தும் துணிவாலும் - நீங்கிநோரை

அடையும் கூற்றாலும் - கூறுவேன்

காதலும் கடவுளும் ஒன்றே!

The above explains the common characteristics between Love and God. The explanation as follows:

Both love and GOD, has no body. U can only feel them. Both don't cheat. People feeling both, go divine. Both are searched outside even if they have them inside them. People will meet death, when they lose this feeling. That is why I conclude, that both are same. 

And another one:

திகட்டாததுவோ? இன்ப துன்பத் தேடலோ? 
கண்டதும் ஞாலம் மறக்கவைப்பதுவோ? 
கொண்டதும் ஞானம் முளைக்கவைப்பதுவோ? 
இனிமை பெருக்குவதோ? தனிமை மெருகுவதோ?
கண்கள் மூடினால் கண்டம் கடத்துவதோ?
கனவிலேயே காலம் கழிக்கவைக்கும் 
கானமும் கள்ளோ!?

Now, here comes the Grammar of Tamizh. The whole thing was said to written by Tholkaapiyar. The best part about Tamizh grammar is the comparative degree. Its called Aagupeyar (ஆகுபெயர்).  I think this is from where the evolution of Metaphor and simile occurred. Kaalai varugiran (metaphor) and kaalai ponravan varugiraan (simile) both means the same meaning. Now another type is using place in the sentences. For example, India Wins! which means the Indian team wins. There are many such types. 

There are also rules for joining words. ஈறுபோதல், இடையுகரம் ஈ ஆதல், ஆதி நீடல், அடி அகரம் ஐ ஆதல்,  தன்னொற்றிரட்டல், முன் நின்ற மெய் திரிதல்  and so many of it. Tamizh is not one easy language to get trained or to speak. It is one of the toughest language. The bigger problem comes in a way that it has only one type in all letters. For example, it has only one க. But other languages have four. Hence it becomes difficult in understanding the word and the pronunciation. Another problem in the language is it has many meanings for a single word. The meaning of the word has to be understood according to the sentence used. 

Tamizh can make people not only calm, but Tamizh can make people get trained in venting wrath. This soft language at times can get really hard in the way of using it. There are lot more to explain and feel proud about the language. But the saddest part is that a MA in Tamizh cannot survive in this "IT" world. But its in our hands, to make this endangered species survive. And its our duty to protect and build it. Because this one language can never be compared to any other. This one language can never be understood easily. This one language can never have a substitute. This is mother of three more languages. The origin should not die. Let the queen live!! Till the end of world!  

தமிழன் என்று சொல்லடா!
தலை நிமிர்ந்து நில்லடா!! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The War of the World Cup

There is a dialogue in a Tamizh movie. To live in the hearts of millions, You don't need to live for a million years. Only one day leading his people to victory would be enough. Such a name.. Such a power and Sach is the name! Sach is life! The God of Indian Cricket! RESPECT Sachin! But even for him, this one thing was missing in his medallion show case. The World Cup! And this time, he is been gifted with this by the Indian Team. Making the millions bleeding blue.. ! Its not easy to gain one's trust but its very easy to lose one. But here, the Indians never knew any of these soldiers personally. Yet, they trusted them. They never knew what they are up to. But one thing they are sure of.. These men out there would do anything and everything to end this World War of Cricket.!
28 Years of War being fought to bring the Cup after 1983. Here they are laying in the field successfully! They created the moment, the opportunity, the vicissitude, for the people of India to celebrate the victory of the war being won! They made glory not only to the cup but to the GOD himself! Oh yes, its Sachin of who I am talking about! After 1983, they did meet with the Lankans in 1996 Semi Final. But there they lost the War. But yet they neither lost hope nor the trust.. In 2003, they with the Aussies in the finals. But there came another disaster. The worst ever decision from the best ever captain at that time. They again lost in the war. But the fire wasn't turned off. With some same soldiers in a different army with an unexpected leader, they marched towards in the War.
They fought this war again in 2011. There was annihilation everywhere. The saga... the Epic was rewritten.. But there were critics who still commented on the capability of this man. The man who lead the army. With the GOD himself by his side. Why should he fear when the GOD is here. They threw the contenders back to the island where they belonged to. After that, there lied an Epic match. The one match for the whole of the Universe to ever watch upon. The one match that speaks history and was never rewritten. The battle where the Men in Blue and the Peshawar Kings met each other and were ready to meet glory! And still the history is history. For the first time ever, the battle was a Gentleman's game between them. There they were.. stepping into the lost war in 1996 again in 2011. The pillar of the army was down in the first start. There was two more hopes the Indians relied upon. The GOD himself and the Leader. Even GOD failed, but still made his part.
This was the time, the leader decided to enter the battlefield himself. The one man army. Defined and determined in the victory. He stood out there, annihilating everyone and won the battle, with a whooping six. His eyes again, defined, determined at his last blow. He stood there showing no emotions! Neither a shout nor a hug! Just feeling divine! At that time, he could have thought, "Maula mere!! Le le meri Jaan!" (Oh my Master above, now you can take my breath away). This was the moment, in the land of the cricket GOD, they won the battle. And there was the procession of the GOD himself.
Its not that the other leaders of the army were incapable. Its this that the victory is a hutch dog, which follows those who use the network efficiently and make the most out of it. To this man who led India to Victory! To this man who made the winning possible!  MSD--> SALUTE! And now what next as the most wanted battle is won? Lot more, this thirst could not be quenched.. And to all those critics out there, it was the GOD himself let the word out that M.S.Dhoni is the greatest captain, INDIA have ever produced. The most successful captain. The one man army leading his team always to the path of victory. Till date no other man had showed such a consistency. But, With great power comes great responsibility!! So we look forward to you MS! We are not satisfied with this drink. This one is not enough to quench our thirst! We need more! Bring more Glory! Make team INDIA invincible, which in turn makes you and us invincible. Because, it feels better everytime to know that we are all DIVINE!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Chennai Super Kings!!!

Alas My Children!! This is the day as you shall always remember the day that you almost defeated the Chennai Super Kings!! :D Just think how much it takes to stand and rule the hearts of millions!! This is the name that runs through all the Tamil Speaking Indians' mind. The one name which makes them feel as if they are in heaven. They feel better everytime when they know that they turn divine on the victory of the Kings, The Lions of Chennai and in fact the whole IPL itself. To this date, I can say that no team has attained such a stage, such a position in the T20 cricket and especially the IPL. This fever of IPL is in one way dangerous that it turns even the united Indians to make them support their own state instead of their country. But still this difference remains only  during the reign of IPL. And this time its even better.. Its after the World Cup won by us! And I am proud to say "US" even its by the Indian Team. This is better because the aftermath created by IPL is very very less.
The Chennai Super Kings! The Lions that is ruling the Jungle of IPL. Oh yes! You can say that. The three time finalists and once only a semi finalist. In IPL-1: We were the runners! IPL-2: We lost in the semi final. The third time the lions crushed to regain its reign. At that time they were playing only for the fair play award.. But things went the around way. We then entered the finals. And we lifted the trophy. And not only that, We then became the first Indian team to lift the Champions Trophy. Now again in the finals of IPL-4.
Till now we were bleeding blue! And now for this IPL reign we spray yellow here! The land is ours.. The stadium is ours.. The crowd here is ours..! They are here to echo your roar!! They are here to stand by you! And they are here to celebrate, to feel divine.. in your victory!
We stand by you soldiers! And this is our world.. Our reign.. And go out there and annihilate them whomsoever it be! We defend the cup and make it remain in our Empire! Now go ahead! Show them that you are the invincible! To the kings and their King, we hereby show you RESPECT! and hereby SALUTE you! And let this Saturday be the day that everyone shall remember as the day the Chennai Super Kings become invincible in the reign of IPL and lead their people to Divinity!